Become a Peer Educator


What is a Counseling Outreach Peer Educator?

Do you want to promote education and awareness about mental health and common college student stressors? Become a COPE Peer Educator! You will benefit from receiving training and mentoring from Counseling Center Clinicians in topics related to personal and professional growth. At the Counseling Center, we believe students are the experts on what other students want to learn! As a member of COPE you attend weekly meetings to plan and executive program initiatives that YOU choose. As a Peer Educator, you will gain valuable leadership experience while making a difference in your community.

How to apply to become a COPE Peer Educator?

The current application for COPE membership will open on Friday, September 29, 2023, and close on Friday, October 13 at 11:59 p.m. We will also be hosting optional information sessions. These sessions will be held virtually on Thursday, September 21 at 6 p.m. and Wednesday, September 27 at 8 p.m.  The Zoom link will be available on our Instagram (@cope_umiami) or by email request ( 

Submit your application here: Apply.

Meet the COPE Executive Board!

Emily Goldstein

Position: Chair   
Major: Community and Applied Psychological Studies and Psychology
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE to both learn and share my passion for mental health awareness with others, as well as represent a safe space for fellow students on campus. My main goals as an advocate in COPE is to grow as an individual, educate others, share resources, destigmatize mental health, and encourage emotional well-being for all. Through COPE, I want to share and embody one of my favorite mottos, “you are exactly where you need to be,” which signifies a message of hope and points to a light at the end of the tunnel. I am proud to serve a leadership role among such a kind, welcoming, and generous group of peers and cannot speak highly enough of COPE’s impact on campus!

Amanda Sale

Position: Vice Chair
Major: Psychology
Why did you join COPE? 
I joined COPE because I have always been very passionate about mental health awareness. Becoming a member of COPE freshman year changed my college experience for the better. I have learned so much about mental health awareness and advocacy, and I have also been lucky enough to develop some very special friendships as a member of COPE.  Being able to spread awareness on campus with such amazing people has been such a gift. I am beyond honored to be COPE Chair this year and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for COPE! 

Molly McKenna

Position: Public Relations Chair
Major:  Music Engineering Technology with Minors in Computer Engineering and Entrepreneurship
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE at the University of Miami because mental health is such an important yet overlooked part of our health, and as an individual passionate about the acknowledgment and education of mental health, I am grateful to have found a community of like-minded people who have created a supportive and safe environment on campus. As an advocate in COPE, I have had the pleasure of being a part of watching our community eager to learn, educate, and uplift others on campus to destigmatize mental health. What I’ve learned is that COPE is so much more than a community, it’s a family. COPE encourages an immediate sense of belonging, and we are not only educated but also learn how to educate. I could not be more grateful to serve on the leadership board for such an influential part of my college experience and hope to spread awareness of the importance of mental health and emotional well-being.

Hannah Scherer

Position: Recruitment Chair 
Major: Psychology    
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE at the University of Miami to further discover and explore my passion in the field of mental health. I want to be a part of creating a safe space on campus for all. I am extremely passionate about destigmatizing mental health and helping those around me, thus COPE was the perfect way for me to get involved! I additionally wanted to surround myself with a group of peers who share the same passion and interests, to collaborate and reach new goals. 

Gabby Tuchman

Position: Internal Relations Chair 
Major:  Nursing
Why did you join COPE?
I found COPE my sophomore year after I had really struggled mentally on and off throughout my freshman year. I went to therapy for the first time towards the end of my freshman year because I knew I needed help, and within months I felt more like myself again. I joined COPE for so many reasons but most importantly I wanted to find other students on campus who support, uplift, and care for one another which is exactly what COPE is at its core. Along with connecting with other mental health advocates on campus I also felt called to start the conversation and end the stigma surrounding mental health by making students know it is ok to not be ok and that there are resources available to them to get better. Joining COPE made me feel like I finally had a home at school.

Jonathan Jean Charles

Position: Communications Chair
Major: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Medical Anthropology
Why did you join COPE? 
My passion for mental health awareness and destigmatizing mental health in minority communities drove my interest in becoming a COPE peer educator. In COPE, I found a community and family comprised of dedicated student leaders. Our different outreach events and tabling sessions truly reveal the power of impact. Getting the opportunity to converse with many undergraduate students about topics that are usually not spoken about on a regular basis is something that I truly cherish. 

Saba Azimipour

Position: Outreach Programming Chair
Major: Neuroscience 
Why did you join COPE?
I discovered COPE while looking at the University of Miami during my college search. I felt drawn to the fact that not only is COPE for students but that those students work directly with the Counseling Center to make a greater impact. I joined COPE because mental health awareness has always been an immense part of my life, and for me, COPE is a hands-on means to participate actively in the destigmatization and advocacy of mental health for a community I care so much about. COPE truly makes an impact on our community in a way that I feel not much else does. The family I have found within COPE is irreplaceable and I feel privileged to be a part of such a passionate group of peer educators.

Maddy Pope

Position: Outreach Programming Chair
Major: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Why did you join COPE?
I joined COPE because I wanted to be surrounded by a group of individuals who were also passionate about mental health and outreach. COPE has allowed me to take action and advocate for topics I care about. Joining COPE has given me the opportunity to grow, educate myself and others, and connect to my peers! 

Aylin Xenes

Position: Outreach Programming Chair
Major: Psychology and English
Why did you join COPE?
I originally applied for COPE on a whim! I didn’t know much about it at the time, but the more I learned, the more I fell in love with it. I have always had a passion for mental health and destigmatizing it, especially in the Latino community. Being a part of COPE has allowed me to grow as an individual and an advocate for mental health, while also connecting with other students with similar values and goals despite our different backgrounds.
