Telemental Health Services from UMCC

April 14, 2021

24/7 Crisis Line: The Counseling Center’s crisis line is accessible to ALL students and in ANY state regardless of your summer enrollment status. You can speak with a counselor by calling 305-284-5511 and pressing 1 to be connected with a provider.

NOTE: All clinical appointments at the Counseling Center are via phone or video conference. In person sessions will resume, once the COVID-19 crisis has subsided.

While our university acts to keep our community safe in response to COVID-19, UMCC is open and we are here to support the campus community. UMCC acknowledges the impact of COVID-19 on UM students and recognizes that it is typical to experience anxiety, worry, or fear.

If you are in distress, please know we are here to help. Students may contact UMCC at any time by calling 305-284-5511. If calling crisis line, press 1 to be connected to a counselor. You can also visit our website at

Summer Services

In order to receive services over the summer you must meet one of the following criteria:

Enrolled in Summer 2021 classes, live in Florida and have been automatically charged the Health and Counseling Center Fee.

Enrolled in Fall 2021 semester, live in Florida, and eligible to pay the summer Health and Counseling Center Fee.


For Faculty and Staff:

  • We appreciate your ability to be supportive of students.
  • Should you need to consult with a UMCC clinician regarding supporting a student(s), please call and request a call back at 305-284-5511.

During this unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis, the UM Counseling Center will be providing students their continued care through a Telemental Health Option (Phone or Video). In person sessions will no longer be provided during this time.  In order to receive this service you must have already had a Brief Assessment Appointment and currently engaging in services with a provider and physically be located in the State of Florida or in a jurisdiction where your provider can practice.

****If your provider is one of our doctoral practicum students, telemental health services may be limited. Please connect with your counselor for more information.

If you haven’t been reached by your provider yet, please connect with them to review this as a possibility.

Steps: Telememetal Health Video Sessions

  • In order to engage in this service you will need to download the Skype for Business application or Zoom. Link to instructions below. In addition, you will need to sign a Telemental Health Informed Consent Form that can be found on our website (You only need to do this once)


NOTE: You will work with your provider as to which platform would be best for the two of you to use.

Zoom Instructions

Skype for Business Instructions

  1. Download Instructions for PC:
  2. Click here to download from Microsoft
  3. UMIT Skype for Business download instructions


  1. Download Instructions for Mac:
  2. Click here to download from Microsoft
  3. UMIT Skype for Business download instructions


  1. Download Instructions for Mobile Device:
  2. Click here to download from Microsoft
  3. UMIT Skype for Business download instructions


  • Telemental Health Informed Consent
  • Be physically located in Florida or a jurisdiction that your provider can practice in.
  • If your session is an “Initial Session” with your counselor. Please click on the Initial Session link and complete Forms 2 and 3. Complete this forms at least 30 minutes before your appointment.
  • Log into video platform chosen by you and your counselor at least 10 minutes before your regular session.
  • Be in a private area
  • Wait for your counselor to connect with you.

Steps: Phone

  • Make sure you’ve signed the Telemental Health Informed Consent that can be found on our website. You only need to do this once.
  • Be physically located in Florida or a jurisdiction in which your provider can practice.
  • Be available and in a private area for your phone call.
  • Wait for your counselor to call you.


Emergency Services

If you are experiencing an emergency please utilize one of the services:

  • JCS Helpline Services - A local 24hr hotline that assists in suicide prevention as well as information and referrals to health, social, and human services. Please visit their website for more information. 
  • SART Hotline. The Sexual Assault Resource Team provides a 24/7 anonymous hotline for UM students who may have experienced a sexual assault recently or in the past and are seeking information or support around these issues. The hotline is administered by the UM Counseling Center. Please visit the website for more information.
  • ULifeline - A nationwide 24hr service that forwards your call to the nearest crisis hotline.
    1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Counseling Center After Hours Line. If you (or a friend) are experiencing distress and need someone to talk with in the middle of the night or on the weekend, please call the Counseling Center’s main number, press1 and you will be immediately connected to a licensed therapist. This service cannot change or schedule appointments. The after-hours crisis counselor is available when the Counseling Center is closed.
  • Crisis Text Line (Counselors are not UM Counselors)
    • Text HOME to 741741


For additional resources, please see these links:

University of Miami Coronavirus Website

Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health During an Infectious Disease Outbreak

Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

Share Facts About COVID-19

Managing Concerns about Coronavirus
